Command Overview

Note: If the messages described in this section are converted from the raw format, the API section must be studied by the implementor as it contains message formatting guidelines.

Below is a list of commands available via the Majestic API along with a brief overview of their functionality. For more detailed information on command specifics, click on the command name.

Please note that the commands are documented at protocol level. Should connectors be used to access the Majestic API, please refer to the example code to assist with understanding how the protocol level instructions map to connector methods.

Popular Commands

Command name Overview

This command returns key statistics for index items (domain/subdomain/URL) such as: number of external backlinks and referring domains pointing to the index item.

This command supports batching multiple index items into a single request.


This command returns information of the backlinks at domain, subdomain or URL level.

We recommend using this command for obtaining data on large domains as it costs a fixed number of units irrespective of the size of the domain.

The values returned can be used as a feed into existing applications that accepts backlinks.

For a demonstration of how this command is used, please see the Backlinks Tab in Site Explorer.


This command returns Anchor text for a given domain, subdomain or URL. These results can also be filtered by a keyword.

All Commands

Most commands have either fixed or variable cost of calling charged in AnalysisResUnits. All commands that return data will also reduce RetrievalResUnits by the actual number of rows of data returned (ie: referring domains, backlinks, anchor text etc) returned.

Command name Overview Minimum cost
Maximum cost
AddToBucket Calls to this command will result in attempting to add the url/subdomain/domain to the authenticated user's bucket. 00
GetAnchorText This command returns Anchor text for a given domain, subdomain or URL, as well as allowing you to filter the results by specified text (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: Anchor Text tab). 10001000
GetBackLinkData This command returns information of the backlinks at domain, subdomain or URL level (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: Backlinks tab). 500020000
GetBackLinksHistory This command provides backlinks history data by month for Historic Index and by day for Fresh Index (see usage in Majestic backlinks history tool). 500500
GetHostedDomains This command is designed to return domains co-hosted on known IP address or domain (IP address in this case will be looked up).

Example of data returned by this command can be found in the Majestic Neighbourhood checker tool.
GetIndexItemInfo Returns very quickly key statistics for index items (domain/subdomain/URL) such as: number of external backlinks and referring domains pointing to the index item.

This command supports large scale batching of index items into single request: ideal to get stats on a number of URLs or domains (see usage in Majestic Bulk Link Checker).
Uses GetIndexItemInfo resource of subscription
GetKeywordInfo Returns phrase/broad count of matches for INANCHOR/INTITLE/INURL query for a list of supplied keywords, batch operation of up to 1000 keywords per call supported (see usage in Majestic Keyword checker tool). 500Depends on number of keywords - exact number reported by GetKeywordInfo command
GetLinkProfile This command returns the data used to generate link profile graphs (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: Link Profile.). 500500
GetNewLostBackLinks This command returns new and lost backlinks in a date range (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: New backlinks tab). 500500 x number of days checked
GetNewLostBackLinkCalendar This command shows new or lost backlinks counts per day for calendar purposes in a selected data range (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: New backlinks tab). 500500
GetRefDomains This command operates on domain,subdomain or URL level, and returns information about the relationships between domains (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: Ref Domains tab). 10001000 per item
GetRefDomainInfo This command is designed to return key backlink counts for a large number of crawled root domains. These domains are returned by GetRefDomains. 10001000
GetRelatedSites Beta Returns co-citations, domains mentioned around the backlinks to your query. Useful for finding related or similar domains. 50005000
GetTopics This command is designed to return the topics which link to this URL. For each topic, the TopicalTrustFlow, links, domains and pages are also returned. 10001000
GetTopPages This command is designed to return one or more URLs from a root domain or subdomain. This command is also the only guaranteed way to check if a URL is present in our index because GetIndexItemInfo only works with a limited number of URLs with sufficient backlinks or referring domains. (see usage in Majestic Site Explorer: Pages tab). 50005000
GetSubscriptionInfo This command returns information on a user's existing subscriptions with current resource usage values provided. 00
GetDownloadsList This command returns information on a specified download - it is useful to check the status of a previous download backlinks request. 00
DeleteDownloads Call this command to delete a download.

Note: Deletion of the download will not delete files that may have been uploaded to your own FTP (if it was specified). This deletion merely removes the download from the server database as if it was never requested. If the deletion is called during the uploading or the processing phase, then the server will automatically abort it.
DownloadBackLinks This command is designed to allow large scale backlinks retrieval beyond the maximum of 50000 links supported by GetBackLinkData. Due to typically high volume of data this command is expected to process it will always work asyncrounously with results being made available as a downloadable .GZ compressed CSV file. This command will generate equivalent data as obtained by Download interface for Advanced Reports in Majestic web front end. 25000Depends on number of backlinks - exact number reported by GetIndexItemInfo.
DownloadRefDomainBackLinks This command is designed to allow retrieval of large numbers of referring domains, beyond 100,000 or can return the top backlinks for each referring domain. 50000Depends on number of referring domains - exact number reported by GetIndexItemInfo command
SearchByKeyword This command returns Search data for a given keyword. 5050000
SubmitURLsToCrawl This command allows URLs to be submitted for crawling and inclusion in the index. 5050000

Deprecated Commands

These commands are deprecated and are only maintained for Legacy Customers. They are scheduled for removal for all new customers so please migrate to the new commands.

Command name Replaced by Overview Minimum cost
Maximum cost
GetTopBackLinks GetBackLinkData

Returns a list of top ranked (by ACRank) backlinks (with anchor text and other related data) for any URL, domain or subdomain.

This is the perfect command to get data on large domains as the resource cost of this command is fixed and does not depend on how large domain is.

This command can be used as a feed into existing applications that accept backlinks.

This command is used on our website to generate Standards Reports.

(if multiple items queried)
GetDomainBackLinksHistory GetBackLinksHistory This command provides backlinks history data by month. Example of such data used on our website can be found here: Backlinks History tools. 5000Depends on number of backlinks
AnalyseIndexItem DownloadBackLinks

This command is ideal for indepth analysis of index items that returns the following data:

  1. Top backlinks
  2. Aggregated anchor text
  3. Referring (linking in) domains
  4. Backlink discovery rates by month (as used by our charts)
  5. Other data

This command accepts filtering rules that help focus only on backlinks of interest. It is also possible with this command to retrieve very large number of backlinks. The command has variable cost of analysis of index items that depends on how many external backlinks they have.

On our website it is used to generate Advanced Reports.

5000Depends on number of backlinks- exact number reported by GetIndexItemInfro command
GetLinkedDomains GetRefDomains

This command operates on domain level, and returns information about the relationships between domains (root domains pointing to a root domain - it does not resolve the URLs or subdomains of the backlinks). It can be used to achieve the following:

  • Get list of root domains with backlink counts pointing to a given root domain
  • Find root domains which point to all, or a subset of specified root domains.

On our website GetLinkedDomains is used to get list of matching domains in Clique Hunter tool:

We recommend minimising the number of calls made to the command. A single call to this command should be sufficient to retrieve all necessary data, which should then be cached locally to serve subsequent user queries.

See the GetLinkedDomains command for detailsSee the GetLinkedDomains command for details