Common errors

This page details common errors you may experience while working with the Majestic API. Please note that errors for a specific command may be detailed on that command's documentation.

Problem Solution
Making an request returns an error message saying "Access to this report requires user to be logged in." Please ensure you have passed an access token and a private key which are associated with each other.
Making a request returns an error message saying "The command 'null' is not in the list of supported commands." Please ensure you have passed a valid command as the parameter "cmd". A list of all valid commands can be found on the Command Overview page.

Error codes

If a request to the API fails, the return value should include an error code.

OpenApps exclusive

Error code Solution
AccessTokenRevoked Your access token has been revoked by the publisher of the OpenApp. Please contact them via their support page, detailed on the OpenApp's page.
ApplicationRemoved The OpenApps application that you are using has been deleted. Please contact the publisher of the OpenApp via their support page.
FailedAuth Please ensure you have passed an access token and a private key which are associated with each other, or a valid API key.
PrivateKeyDisabled Please check that this private key has not been disabled. Private keys can be located on the Application Details page.

Universal error code

Error code Solution
AuthenticationFailed Please ensure you have a valid, enabled API key.
NoSubscription Please check that your account has a valid subscription. Without a valid subscription plan, your API keys will be disabled.

If you encounter any non-self documenting errors not detailed here, please feel free to contact us.