
This command is index agnostic.


Command status: Active
Supported by OpenApps API: Yes
Supported by Internal/Reseller API: Yes
Possibly queued processing: No


This command returns phrase/broad counts for a list of supplier keywords. Batch operations of up to 1000 keywords per call are supported.

Resources consumed

Resource Description


AnalysisResUnits has a fixed cost of 500 plus 50 units for each keyword (Batching many keywords into one call is strongly recommended).


This resource will be decreased by actual number of rows of data retrieved (returned) by this command.


Parameter Description


Required: must be set to GetKeywordInfo

item0, item1 ... itemN

One or more items (keywords) starting from item0 up to maximum supplied number of items.
Max: 1000 keywords

Sample queries and response

Requesting XML

XML response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Result Code="OK" ErrorMessage="" FullError="">
<GlobalVars IndexBuildDate="2017-09-04 13:42:54" IndexType="0" ServerBuild="2017-10-13 13:57:22" ServerName="SHADOJAGUAR" ServerVersion="1.0.6495.23321" UniqueIndexID="20170904134254-HISTORICAL" />
<DataTables Count="1">
<DataTable Name="Keywords" RowsCount="3" Headers="Item|Keyword|WordCount|TreatedAs|PhraseFoundFlag|PhraseSearchVolume|BroadFoundFlag|BroadSearchVolume|PhraseURLsInTitle|PhraseDomainsInTitle|PhraseURLsInURL|PhraseDomainsInURL|PhraseURLsInAnchor|PhraseDomainsInAnchor|PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle|PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle|BroadURLsInTitle|BroadDomainsInTitle|BroadURLsInURL|BroadDomainsInURL|BroadURLsInAnchor|BroadDomainsInAnchor|BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle|BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle" BroadMatchInURLsMode="0" BroadMatchMode="1">
<Row>0|majestic seo|2|majestic seo|1|33|1|34|59756|3134|334216|8903|839945|4320|663|355|150592|3823|0|0|840908|4637|721|378</Row>
<Row>2|google news|2|google news|1|64|1|69|2352203|76719|10112526|189582|13936202|67919|28122|7262|14796432|204552|0|0|24683782|180247|152138|17302</Row>

JSON response

  "Code": "OK",
  "ErrorMessage": "",
  "FullError": "",
  "IndexBuildDate": "2017-09-04 13:42:54",
  "IndexType": 0,
  "ServerBuild": "2017-10-13 13:57:22",
  "ServerName": "HUMMERR",
  "ServerVersion": "1.0.6495.23321",
  "UniqueIndexID": "20170904134254-HISTORICAL",
  "DataTables": {
    "Keywords": {
      "Headers": {
        "BroadMatchInURLsMode": 0,
        "BroadMatchMode": 1
      "Data": [
          "Item": 0,
          "Keyword": "majestic seo",
          "WordCount": 2,
          "TreatedAs": "majestic seo",
          "PhraseFoundFlag": 1,
          "PhraseSearchVolume": 33,
          "BroadFoundFlag": 1,
          "BroadSearchVolume": 34,
          "PhraseURLsInTitle": "59756",
          "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "3134",
          "PhraseURLsInURL": "334216",
          "PhraseDomainsInURL": "8903",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "839945",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "4320",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "663",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "355",
          "BroadURLsInTitle": "150592",
          "BroadDomainsInTitle": "3823",
          "BroadURLsInURL": "0",
          "BroadDomainsInURL": "0",
          "BroadURLsInAnchor": "840908",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "4637",
          "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "721",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "378"
          "Item": 1,
          "Keyword": "google",
          "WordCount": 1,
          "TreatedAs": "google",
          "PhraseFoundFlag": 1,
          "PhraseSearchVolume": 99,
          "BroadFoundFlag": 1,
          "BroadSearchVolume": 99,
          "PhraseURLsInTitle": "795672113",
          "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "3787361",
          "PhraseURLsInURL": "22730383274",
          "PhraseDomainsInURL": "9541386",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "7471165337",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "4114521",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "8453257",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "506383",
          "BroadURLsInTitle": "795672113",
          "BroadDomainsInTitle": "3787361",
          "BroadURLsInURL": "22730383274",
          "BroadDomainsInURL": "9541386",
          "BroadURLsInAnchor": "7471165337",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "4114521",
          "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "8453257",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "506383"
          "Item": 2,
          "Keyword": "google news",
          "WordCount": 2,
          "TreatedAs": "google news",
          "PhraseFoundFlag": 1,
          "PhraseSearchVolume": 64,
          "BroadFoundFlag": 1,
          "BroadSearchVolume": 69,
          "PhraseURLsInTitle": "2352203",
          "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "76719",
          "PhraseURLsInURL": "10112526",
          "PhraseDomainsInURL": "189582",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "13936202",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "67919",
          "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "28122",
          "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "7262",
          "BroadURLsInTitle": "14796432",
          "BroadDomainsInTitle": "204552",
          "BroadURLsInURL": "0",
          "BroadDomainsInURL": "0",
          "BroadURLsInAnchor": "24683782",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "180247",
          "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "152138",
          "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "17302"

Returned values

Global variables
Code Code indicating if this command executed successfully.
ErrorMessage A message explaining the error. This will be blank if the code is "OK".
FullError Verbose explanation of error.
IndexBuildDate Date/time the index that was queried was last updated.
IndexType Indicates if the index was Historic (0) or Fresh (1).
ServerBuild Date/time the server was built.
ServerName Name of the server queried.
ServerVersion Version of the server queried.
UniqueIndexID Unique identifier for the index consisting of the date and index type.
Keywords Headers
BroadMatchInURLsMode Number of URLs found in Broad matching mode.
BroadMatchMode Boolean indicating if BroadMatch is disabled (0) or enabled (1).
Item Item position in array.
Keyword The number of words in the keyword.
WordCount Sum of keywords.
TreatedAs The keyword with removed delimiters and extra spaces. For example, "majestic-seo" will be treated as "majestic seo".
PhraseFoundFlag Boolean indicating if this phrase is not found (0) or found (1) in the database (separate to keywords).
PhraseSearchVolume The estimated search volume for the exact keyword.
BroadFoundFlag Boolean indicating if this phrase is not found (0) or found (1) in broad matching mode for the given keyword.
BroadSearchVolume The estimated number of times that the exact keywords would be matched using broad matching logic.
PhraseURLsInTitle Number of URLS where phrase is found in title.
PhraseDomainsInTitle Number of domains where phrase is found in title.
PhraseURLsInURL Number of URLs where phrase is found in URL.
PhraseDomainsInURL Number of domains where phrase is found in URL.
PhraseURLsInAnchor Number of URLs where phrase is found in anchor text.
PhraseDomainsInAnchor Number of domains where phrase is found in anchor text.
PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle Number of URLs where phrase is found in anchor text and in title text.
PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle Number of domains where phrase is found in anchor text and in title text.
BroadURLsInTitle Number of URLs with the broad phrase in title text.
BroadDomainsInTitle Number of domains with the broad phrase in title text.
BroadURLsInURL Number of URLS with the broad phrase in URL.
BroadDomainsInURL Number of domains with the broad phrase in URL.
BroadURLsInAnchor Number of URLs with the broad phrase in anchor text.
BroadDomainsInAnchor Number of domains with the broad phrase in anchor text.
BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle Number of URLs with broad phrase in anchor and title text.
BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle Number of domains with broad phrase in anchor and title text.


August 2018

GetKeywordInfo changed to be index agnostic.