Command status: | Active |
Supported by OpenApps API: | Yes |
Supported by Internal/Reseller API: | Yes |
Possibly queued processing: | No |
This command returns phrase/broad counts for a list of supplier keywords. Batch operations of up to 1000 keywords per call are supported.
Resource | Description |
AnalysisResUnits |
AnalysisResUnits has a fixed cost of 500 plus 50 units for each keyword (Batching many keywords into one call is strongly recommended). |
RetrievalResUnits |
This resource will be decreased by actual number of rows of data retrieved (returned) by this command. |
Parameter | Description |
cmd |
Required: must be set to GetKeywordInfo |
item0, item1 ... itemN |
One or more items (keywords) starting from item0 up to maximum supplied number of items. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Result Code="OK" ErrorMessage="" FullError="">
<GlobalVars IndexBuildDate="2017-09-04 13:42:54" IndexType="0" ServerBuild="2017-10-13 13:57:22" ServerName="SHADOJAGUAR" ServerVersion="1.0.6495.23321" UniqueIndexID="20170904134254-HISTORICAL" />
<DataTables Count="1">
<DataTable Name="Keywords" RowsCount="3" Headers="Item|Keyword|WordCount|TreatedAs|PhraseFoundFlag|PhraseSearchVolume|BroadFoundFlag|BroadSearchVolume|PhraseURLsInTitle|PhraseDomainsInTitle|PhraseURLsInURL|PhraseDomainsInURL|PhraseURLsInAnchor|PhraseDomainsInAnchor|PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle|PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle|BroadURLsInTitle|BroadDomainsInTitle|BroadURLsInURL|BroadDomainsInURL|BroadURLsInAnchor|BroadDomainsInAnchor|BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle|BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle" BroadMatchInURLsMode="0" BroadMatchMode="1">
<Row>0|majestic seo|2|majestic seo|1|33|1|34|59756|3134|334216|8903|839945|4320|663|355|150592|3823|0|0|840908|4637|721|378</Row>
<Row>2|google news|2|google news|1|64|1|69|2352203|76719|10112526|189582|13936202|67919|28122|7262|14796432|204552|0|0|24683782|180247|152138|17302</Row>
{ "Code": "OK", "ErrorMessage": "", "FullError": "", "IndexBuildDate": "2017-09-04 13:42:54", "IndexType": 0, "ServerBuild": "2017-10-13 13:57:22", "ServerName": "HUMMERR", "ServerVersion": "1.0.6495.23321", "UniqueIndexID": "20170904134254-HISTORICAL", "DataTables": { "Keywords": { "Headers": { "BroadMatchInURLsMode": 0, "BroadMatchMode": 1 }, "Data": [ { "Item": 0, "Keyword": "majestic seo", "WordCount": 2, "TreatedAs": "majestic seo", "PhraseFoundFlag": 1, "PhraseSearchVolume": 33, "BroadFoundFlag": 1, "BroadSearchVolume": 34, "PhraseURLsInTitle": "59756", "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "3134", "PhraseURLsInURL": "334216", "PhraseDomainsInURL": "8903", "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "839945", "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "4320", "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "663", "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "355", "BroadURLsInTitle": "150592", "BroadDomainsInTitle": "3823", "BroadURLsInURL": "0", "BroadDomainsInURL": "0", "BroadURLsInAnchor": "840908", "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "4637", "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "721", "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "378" }, { "Item": 1, "Keyword": "google", "WordCount": 1, "TreatedAs": "google", "PhraseFoundFlag": 1, "PhraseSearchVolume": 99, "BroadFoundFlag": 1, "BroadSearchVolume": 99, "PhraseURLsInTitle": "795672113", "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "3787361", "PhraseURLsInURL": "22730383274", "PhraseDomainsInURL": "9541386", "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "7471165337", "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "4114521", "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "8453257", "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "506383", "BroadURLsInTitle": "795672113", "BroadDomainsInTitle": "3787361", "BroadURLsInURL": "22730383274", "BroadDomainsInURL": "9541386", "BroadURLsInAnchor": "7471165337", "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "4114521", "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "8453257", "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "506383" }, { "Item": 2, "Keyword": "google news", "WordCount": 2, "TreatedAs": "google news", "PhraseFoundFlag": 1, "PhraseSearchVolume": 64, "BroadFoundFlag": 1, "BroadSearchVolume": 69, "PhraseURLsInTitle": "2352203", "PhraseDomainsInTitle": "76719", "PhraseURLsInURL": "10112526", "PhraseDomainsInURL": "189582", "PhraseURLsInAnchor": "13936202", "PhraseDomainsInAnchor": "67919", "PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "28122", "PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "7262", "BroadURLsInTitle": "14796432", "BroadDomainsInTitle": "204552", "BroadURLsInURL": "0", "BroadDomainsInURL": "0", "BroadURLsInAnchor": "24683782", "BroadDomainsInAnchor": "180247", "BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle": "152138", "BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle": "17302" } ] } } }
Global variables | |
Code | Code indicating if this command executed successfully. |
ErrorMessage | A message explaining the error. This will be blank if the code is "OK". |
FullError | Verbose explanation of error. |
IndexBuildDate | Date/time the index that was queried was last updated. |
IndexType | Indicates if the index was Historic (0) or Fresh (1). |
ServerBuild | Date/time the server was built. |
ServerName | Name of the server queried. |
ServerVersion | Version of the server queried. |
UniqueIndexID | Unique identifier for the index consisting of the date and index type. | Keywords Headers |
BroadMatchInURLsMode | Number of URLs found in Broad matching mode. |
BroadMatchMode | Boolean indicating if BroadMatch is disabled (0) or enabled (1). | Data |
Item | Item position in array. |
Keyword | The number of words in the keyword. |
WordCount | Sum of keywords. |
TreatedAs | The keyword with removed delimiters and extra spaces. For example, "majestic-seo" will be treated as "majestic seo". |
PhraseFoundFlag | Boolean indicating if this phrase is not found (0) or found (1) in the database (separate to keywords). |
PhraseSearchVolume | The estimated search volume for the exact keyword. |
BroadFoundFlag | Boolean indicating if this phrase is not found (0) or found (1) in broad matching mode for the given keyword. |
BroadSearchVolume | The estimated number of times that the exact keywords would be matched using broad matching logic. |
PhraseURLsInTitle | Number of URLS where phrase is found in title. |
PhraseDomainsInTitle | Number of domains where phrase is found in title. |
PhraseURLsInURL | Number of URLs where phrase is found in URL. |
PhraseDomainsInURL | Number of domains where phrase is found in URL. |
PhraseURLsInAnchor | Number of URLs where phrase is found in anchor text. |
PhraseDomainsInAnchor | Number of domains where phrase is found in anchor text. |
PhraseURLsInAnchorAndInTitle | Number of URLs where phrase is found in anchor text and in title text. |
PhraseDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle | Number of domains where phrase is found in anchor text and in title text. |
BroadURLsInTitle | Number of URLs with the broad phrase in title text. |
BroadDomainsInTitle | Number of domains with the broad phrase in title text. |
BroadURLsInURL | Number of URLS with the broad phrase in URL. |
BroadDomainsInURL | Number of domains with the broad phrase in URL. |
BroadURLsInAnchor | Number of URLs with the broad phrase in anchor text. |
BroadDomainsInAnchor | Number of domains with the broad phrase in anchor text. |
BroadURLsInAnchorAndInTitle | Number of URLs with broad phrase in anchor and title text. |
BroadDomainsInAnchorAndInTitle | Number of domains with broad phrase in anchor and title text. |
August 2018
GetKeywordInfo changed to be index agnostic.